Some post-modern chump fumbling his way through the void.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

You and Me

Here is a picture of me and Cassie. She drew it for me today. It reminds me a little of American Gothic. Here however you can see that Doolittle embraced the expressionism of abstraction that Grant was fighting against in his own time. It also has a modern twist, You see there, she has a shovel, and I have a paint brush. Interesting how the gender rolls have switched isn't it? Tossing away the conservative ideas that Grant was trying to preserve. Anyway, its a beautiful pice of art, and I love it.


Blogger locomocos said...

if you are going to start critiquing my artwork, i should probably send you more of it. you should see on of the pictures i did about a blind date a few years back.....

you missed my representation of the Wonder Twins. We are not quite activating, which leads one to believe that our passions - i.e. painting and landscaping - keep us in our true human form, as opposed to our distorted realities when we are together.

4:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this post! One comment, though. Cassie, why are you wearing an extra-long t-shirt a la Charlie Brown? Heavens to Betsy.

7:09 PM

Blogger Ted said...

But which is reality... and which is distortion...?


I, too, dig this post. And I like your interpretation.

"deodfeqh" ... BEST word-verification word EVER!

5:45 PM


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